Thursday, 17 July 2008

what friends?

Reading this proves to show that one's action or ommission towards another friend leaves an implied emotional effect on the other.

Sometimes we do/omit to do things unintentionally but that very action of ours gives an opening to negative reaction by the person feeling 'victimised' by such action.

I've personally experience many such encounters but many of the times i choose to brush it off for I hold to my mom's and late opah's word everytime such situation arises:

mom said "friends come and go BUT family stays"
late Opah said "biar orang buat kat kite, jgn kite buat kat orang" *read it in Perak slang*

Of course it's hard to swallow or digest when we feel we're forgotten/abandon by our friends. It makes us feel unworthy of the so called 'friendship' we build for many years.

And that is why it's best to keep any friendship at most minimal. So that one would not feel betrayed by another lack of compassion/action towards the other.

After encountering a lot of unnecessary emotional turmoil, the above chant is my current life mantra.

But then again, we are but a humble human being who are not flawlessly perfect. The imperfections make one a human being.

Hence, to dear you, please don't feel your abandoned by your friends. I believe I'm not only speaking on my behalf but I'm speaking on behalf of the rest of your university peers. We would love to come by and pay a visit.


Ummu Auni said...

hai bila baca your entry, manitik air mata...we just don't know how to approach her, i suppose....cedey la pula

shueyshoelove said...

that is one of the reasons. the other reason, i guess disebabkan oleh miscommunication.when we heard the news about her twins condition, semua intended to pay a visit at the hospital tapi we were informed that it would not be appropriate to visit just yet.probably we took too long to take the initiative/courage to visit her..but all is good and well.=)

asniloveschocolate said...

thanks shuey...for the entry...dear mar, i just don't know what to say to to you...but, we do care.for real.

asniloveschocolate said...

thanks shuey...for the entry...mar dearie...i just don't know what to say...we do care.for real..

adina said...

eh serious shuey. i read mar's entry yesterday & suddenly mcm marah kat someone pulak.

i made known of my intention to visit mar but then i was told that mar doesn't wanna have visitors bcos she might not have the strength to take it and she doesn't wanna cry in front of us.

so to respect mar's privacy, i pun cancelled la the plan. pandai2 je jadi spokesperson orang. pastu salah information.

Nikeda said...

shuey, bila u na gi visit mar nnt let me kno k cuz i na ikut...

shueyshoelove said...

cadangnya hari ahad nih.tapi nanti i re-confirm dengan mar balik..i'll text u nanti ek!!

Anonymous said...

shuey, mar dah kasi permission org g visit ke? asni dah 3 kali mintak nak g visit tp meb timing tak sesuai, so mar kate takle visit lagi confused...

shueyshoelove said...

hihih.aku jadik spokesperson mar.

asni: shu baru gi jumper dia on sunday.i think its okay to see her now.just ask her of her whereabouts and she'll inform if she's free on that day ker tak.

nadia: noted on that. like i said.maybe ader miscommunication sikit. but all is good now. just give her a buzz kalau nak visit.mar okay jer.

Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

shueyshoelove said...

anon: thank u for the compliment. I am not quite sure what u meant by hiring me.