Saturday, 8 December 2007

action speaks louder than words


best-friend-stealer & over sensitive they claim me to be. the former NEVER but the latter may be. but I wonder if they claim I am such, then how about them? back-stabber, gossip-er, other people's business mind-er.would they like being label such, I wonder? I wish I could be like ein n have a mental block at what other's say. I wish I could be like miera to just swallow it in and be ignorant of what others do and say. but obviously I'm NOT them. I'm ME. I confront and face issues.

so,if u've a problem with that, be a woman and SAY it out. don't ACT it out.

maybe it's the hormone speaking. maybe not. I'm just exhausted. pure childish I say.

*shue on anti-social mode*


Ein said...

hmm. mean girls scenario yet again. why can't everyone just grow up! hehe (i'm defending Shue here, so whoever made Shue frustrated, please leave Shue alone!!).

shueyshoelove said...

tuh lar ein.penat lar.memang lepas nih menyendiri lagi best.obviously u guys are exception to the general rule.lurve hanging with u guys and be pure silly.=)

adina said...

lesson 101 to shuey : it's good to be anti-social like me. hehe...just stick to a few very close friends & don't mind the others. if they still talk about u, that means they care & ur popular. or else, they wudn't waste time. bitches are unstoppable :)

shueyshoelove said...

yeap nadia.had to learn the hard way.stick to the few friends that i have i shall.x yah memeningkan kepala.=)