+The ramblings of a daughter and a wife to an awesome family and a super husband+
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
3 weddings, bbq dinner & surpise bday bash
All the above event left me stuffed, bloated and FAT!! ewwww..I so need to go on a diet now.
Wedding numero uno:
Shauna and shadiq(9.8.2008)
Wedding number 2:
Hazlina & Shamsul (10.8.2008)
Wedding tres':
Masliza & Haizul Azmi (10.8.2008)
Le food and attendees of bbq:
mashed potato ala DIY
The host and hostess
Le couple no. 2
FAT & bloated Yours truly *yuck!!*
Ze surprise birthday bash:
The accomplices
The cupcakes
The baloon
The dazed birthday girl
Me complete lovely chikas (caya lar aban!!)
Just felt like having a photo blogging post this time. Been away for two day course from Mon-Tue. Back to office today. Attended B-O-R-I-N-G meeting. Going back home in a bit. Toodles.
today I turn 35
... and I figured that today would be a good time to post something. *blows
dust* Assalamualaikum dunia. It has been a while, hasn't it? 2020 - the
year w...
of 10 overwhelming days.... here comes the boom
apa kabarrrrr?
ok dah. jangan gediks sangat. awok tu dah jadik mak org!. surprisingly i am
beginning to update my blog on weekly basis?...
Its 2015 already n welcome back to blogging
I've always loved to blog..just that after having baby no. 1, Maryam
Maryssa n being a wife and being a lawyer n with blogging being not the in
thing any...
Isra' Mi'raj- Some Thoughts
Isra' Mi'raj is a very historical day for the Muslims. There are so many
things that Muslims do in their daily activity which relates to Isra'
Mi'raj. Le...
Back to school..
It's been a month now since I put on the 'student cap', after almost 6
years leaving the student life... I hope my brain is still well
functioning. Hello ...
People say time heals everything.I think time enables us to realize things
we failed to see before.It deconstructs the state of delusion and denial we
Happy 18 months Adel Mikail!
You are 1 and half years old today or 18 months old to be exact! The more I
get to know you, the more I'm in love with you. At this point of life, ...
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