Wednesday 3 March 2010


Image obtained here
Just got back from a meeting at Pavillion. And the above bag caught my eye. Similar color, similar brand but slight different in design. Worn by a (very) young Manager. I envy her. Mommy, I'm in the wrong profession. Or wait, I'm in the wrong office? 


ein said...

the exact same bag yg aku sukaaaaaa jugakkk!!!! tp aku suka colour creme. tp aku takde duit. ha ha.

shueyshoelove said...

ein: omg!!boleh boleh.guna bonus u ngan tapai! ehehhe.bag worth investing! if only i have the moolah.mulut aku ternganga tengok dia pakai.serious!!pergghh!!jealous!kalau kau pakai, aku akan memmbelek bag itu if we meet up and u won't hear a word coming from me. I'll be in awe. ehehhe.=) cepat beli ein!!