I'm sad that my one-eyed-blue-cat refused to come near/play/sleep with me.
I'm frustrated that I look and feel fat and fugly (though I'm thankful that I still have my five senses).
I'm tired of people asking the "when-are-you-getting-married" question. Fyi, yes, I'm seeing/dating mr. dearie said person but getting married ain't a walk in the park.It ain't 1,2,3 easy,peasy. Enough with the pressure already yeah. Thank you.
I feel like an under-achiever (which impliedly means, I suck at work).
*Exclusion clause: This post is not directed to anyone in particular. I'm just having one of those emotional-bad-day thingy ma jiggy. Hence, sila lah jangan terasa.
Walaubagaimanapun, saya gembira shoe-heaven saya sudah sampai di One Utama dan saya telah ter-belanja satu pasang kasut lagi. The store is not dissapointing AT ALL but caution, it's still pricey as compared to the ones in singapore. Blame it on the shipping cost yada yada yada.
Saya juga gembira kerana tahun 2009 akan menyaksikan bundle of joys untuk kawan kawan saya. I'm truly happy for each and every one of you dan sila lah stand by untuk anak anak anda di booking menjadi flower girl/boy saya ntah bila nanti.=) hihihi..
Thank you for reading my what-ever post. And I'd thought it would get rid of the emotional turmoil. I was wrong.
Here's to wednesday blues. I want to go home.
Shuey, I agree on the when are u getting married part?
Enough of it already kan? Klau org tanya aku, Im going to say I am not ready to get married this year.
I want to enjoy life, and so be it, haha.
hida: heheh.tapi bezanya.aku tak kisah pun nak kahwin tahun ni.hehe.tapi sebab money is a big factor.so kena lar pelahan lahan dayung.
Takpe, give it time. At least you have someone rite. Biasala la tu masing2 baru nak start kan.
Me? emm.. No intentions to marry this year but if the rite guy comes along why not kan? tp savings lgsg tade, haha.
hida: forever and ever lar ckp takder right guy comes along.abih tuh abed nak letak mane?nasib baik dia tak paham BM.kalau dia paham.kecik ati dia tau.
ala dah kawin pun, orang tanya pula, bila nak tambah satu lagi...duh
k.aini: heheh.exactly.to those yang suka bertanya,sila lah bagi ruang bagi kami kami ini bernafas.
kalau karats thp dewa, silelah kawen ye. hehehe...
shuey, siapa tak nak kurusss!! boleh usaha kan?? =D. jom2 petang2 pas office kita jogging..
ati: jogging?pancit dowh.badminton aku tak kisah. karats? sapa karat.aku tak karat.
shuey, general statement pada org karats laa!! waahhh.. terasa karats ke? heheh...
badminton pun ok.. tp court kat pjaya agak limited n full house. tp tak kesah laa.. i'm up for anything! sudah lama tak bersukan..rasa tak sihat!
Ok2 la shuey...aku sponsor la akad nikah ceremony =P
don't worry beb, if u think ur fat, there are people who are fatter *look at self*
atie: if nak exercise tu bawak2 lah ajak aku skali yang tengah cuti sampai next week blessed a chinese firm haha... =P
if badminton, aku jd cheerleader ok!!
mmg sucks lah - if x kawen g, org tny bila nk kawen. if dah kawen, org tanya bile nk dpt baby. bile dah dpt, org sibuk2 nak tayang, nanti kiasu nak anak dpt 5A upsr yada yada yada.
my point- Just live your life the way you want to it to be. To the busy bodies- WHAT THE HELL?!
haha. betul tak? :) Cheer up Girls!
wah..banyak pulak respond aku emotional. hihihih.
nadia: akad nikah jer?hantaran semua boleh ar sponsor.boleh ek?=)
ein: hihihih.manaleh mommy E jadi cheerleader.kena duduk diam diam tengok kitorang main sudah. thanks ein.
Haha, Shuey. I must always keep my options open. Mamat tu? Like I care, haha.
He's too busy to even care for me. So I shall enjoy my life with my girls.
hida: aik.emotional je bunyi.sabar babe.
wah dah ada kat OU?hari tu aku pegi pavillion.kasut charleskeith nya seme cantek2 dan amatla berpatutan..cuma yg aku nak takde saiz.dem btul.hehe..
ooo..shuey kawin cpat2 sketle..nak jadi flower girl layak lg tak..haha
aja: ada jugak orang share keterujaan aku dengan kedai kasut charles & keith. ehehhe. mana leh isteri orang jadik flower girl tapi sempat lar kalau ada rezeki baby ko nak jadi flower girl/boy aku.ngueh ngueh ngueh.aku doa kan ko dapat baby ye ja.=)
I'm gonna risk kena sembur, just because i knw that you knw it's just me being cheeky. ;)
'Bila nak kawin ni?'
Trust me the money will never be enough. Kalau nak ikutkan, i suppose, am still not married by now. :D So wht i did was just make do. Cut cost on few things, say for example like how i kerah-ed tenaga my cousins during mine. ;)
he he he.
You'll knw whn the time is right. ;)
p/s: yes. somehow i found ur blog. couldnt resist commenting. & yes!! c&k best giler! mcm nk borong sampai 3 at one go the other day! aaahh tak tahann!
ina: oh no!!! malu malu.me own cousins found me blog?oh dear me. ehehhe. thanks for the advice couz. true money would not be enough but basic saving pun tarak camane nak kahwin.unless u all nak sponsor lar.muahahahha..takde la.take one step at a time. =) yee...c&k kat one utama sangat lethal to the purse okay. semalam gi ou tapi tak berani masuk sebab takut ter-beli lagi satu pasang kasut.TIDAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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