Wednesday, 7 January 2009


It's not that I'm an individualist who does not care two hoots bout the happenings of the world. It's not that I'm selfish. It's just heartbreaking, heart wrenching and depressing to know that the world is in a state of chaos with global economic crisis and the evil Zionist attacks on Gaza. It's not easy to digest all of these. Hence, I try as hard as I can from watching or reading any news. But I can't. I failed. The chaos is too apparent to ignore.

Then I came across this. It's the least that I could do (other than the daily dua and prayers) for the Palestinians. And now I'm sharing it with you guys.

Ya Allah, berikan kami kekuatan untuk menempuhi dugaan yang Engkau turunkan kepada umatmu. Engkaulah maha mengetahui dan kami berlindung dibawah mu Ya Allah. Amin.

1 comment:

Ummu Auni said...

akak pun nangis, bila baca berita tentang dia orang. so heart wrenching esp the photo depicted a father cried over his 3 dead children's bodies..