Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Another dress inspired.

Simple. Lawa. *Pengsan*. The photographer is also talented. *pengsan*

Credits here


Where did it go? 
For a while it lingered. 
Then it slowly disappears.
How do I get it back?
This is depressing.  

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Two weeks? Eek!

Typically one would list down the "have done" and "not done". Well, I don't think I'm typical. I'm weird. Hence, no such list shall be displayed because it is irrelevant.

2 weeks more to adapt to changes. 2 weeks more until everything turns serious but in a fun way. I hope. *cross fingers*.

I miss this goofy fella.

He may not be kind when he's angry with me. He may not be considerate when he finds me annoying. He may be all egoistical even if he knows he is at fault (though I have to credit him for trying to be less egoistical recently). To sum it all, he may not be the perfect prince-fairytale-type.

But he makes me smile when he starts dancing in the car. He makes me laugh when he starts singing in the car. He makes me chuckle when he makes silly faces. He makes my heart melt when he gets all serious and means what he meant.

So, he's not perfect. Neither am I. So, he has flaws. So do I. 

So, yeah goofy fella. Only two weeks more. I'm super excited. Are you? ;)

p/s: yes, I expect an answer from you. And yes, I miss our self-karaoke-ing-in-the-car. Again. Totally irrelevant.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

"Awesome marriage, Not a perfect wedding"

I am inspired! Read here.

But of course that comes from a mat salleh wedding. Guests comprising not more that 300 persons. DIY materials are much much cheaper.

When it comes to a typical Malaysian Malay wedding, it is the perception that having it the grandeur, the better. It shows wealth. Stability. Status. 

I want a Mat Salleh wedding.

Preparation tunang pun dah over budget. Preparation kahwin belum start. I'm doomed.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

dresses inspired. love. love.

Breathlessly Beautiful. Simply Elegant. Something Different. Love. Love.

The top two images; credits to http://danielzainphotography.blogspot.com and couple, shahreen & nadal

Final image; credits to http://qippylog.blogspot.com and couple, syazana & anis


Nikah Highlight Yasmin & Khairil from Azrul Affandi Sobry on Vimeo.


Bride-to-be blogs can be helpful in giving tips but at the same time causes unnecessary pressure to YOURS TRULY analyzing the must and should've done. My mother is my referral point in all important decision making. 
However, all these blogs are causing me to have second thoughts on the materials that's already bought. I didn't quite learn my lesson, no?

But my mom is my fashion guru and she's got excellent taste. Mother's instinct? Blog tips?

I'm confused!! Like totally.