Monday, 22 December 2008

It's a boy!!


Picture credit here

Tee hee hee. Since I've none nieces or nephews to fuss over, to spoil rotten; it's a pleasure to know that one of my traveling sisters of the yaya-hood is pregnant with a baby boy!! Another 4.5 months to go. Excited mengalahkan parents!! tee hee hee.

Congrats again babe!! I'm sure both you and feisal will be great parents. Mr dearie said person very much envy and idolize u guys. I do too. *hugs*!!

1 comment:

Ein said...

gosh, 'idolize' is such a big word for us nobodies! but i truly appreciate ur excitement! :) travellin sistas of ya-ya hood? hmmm. haha. *much Love*