Saturday 20 February 2010


picture taken from here

A friend asked me how does it feel to be officially attached to someone. I said it feels surreal. It still feels surreal like the picture above. Then she said, "you'd feel like that till you get married". I guess that's true. It'll take some time till it really sink in. It hasn't YET.

Surreal or not, I'm looking forward to each and every step towards it. But as I'm taking baby steps in preparation, I have to remind myself that marriage life is the ultimate importance above all.

I am but an ordinary girl; I get distracted easily over pretty pretty things/decorations which would fulfill my wants and not the real needs. This post shall serve me as a reminder. Yes it will.

And I know just the person who would keep me grounded; YOU! yes YOU: my best friend, my enemy, my love. =)

Another item struck off the list, many many more to do. 

Thank YOU. I love love love love it.

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